Alert 360 and Alarm Capital Alliance have joined together creating one of the strongest B2B engines in the security industry. Learn More >>

Tag: marketing strategy

At Alert 360, we deliver excellence with over 45 years in the security and smart home industry. It’s time to partner with a program that is flexible, innovative and reliable. With best-in-class training and technology, Alert 360 is primed to take your business to the next level.

Invest in Social Media

With 2.1 billion users on the planet, social media is one of the most effective platforms for marketing and customer service.

Developing Your Marketing Strategy

In the alarm industry, the ultimate goal of your marketing strategy is twofold: to help you grow your customer base by attracting new accounts and to cement your relationships with your existing customers so that they not only become more likely to add on upgrades, but they will also serve as a source of referrals and leads for new customers.

A Focused Marketing Effort Yields Measurable Results

Building a profitable alarm company means moving beyond the outdated view that marketing is a “nice to have but we can’t afford it” viewpoint.